Online help (KPrint Message Monitor)


The archive file is compressed in zip format.

Please make a suitable folder, and place all files in the folder you created with the same folder structure.

File organization


"KPrint Message Monitor" Application file.


A DLL for printing messages from your application to kpmmon.exe.


C language source file of API that outputs a message to the application.


C language header file of API that outputs a message to the application.


Please delete each folder where the application exists.

Menu description


Start Saving Log File

Save the debug message to a file.

Stop Saving Log File

Suspends saving the debug message file and closes the file.


Set the screen to display debug messages.


Exit the application.



Copy the selected range and save it to the clipboard.

All Select

Keeps all displayed messages selected.

All Copy

Copy all the displayed messages and save them to the clipboard.

All Erase

Clears all displayed messages.



Shows or hides the toolbar.

Status Bar

Shows or hides the status bar.


Help Topics

Open the online help page.

Choose Language

Select the display language of the application as "English" or "Japanese".
The display language will be switched after the next application is started.

About KPrint Message Monitor

Displays application version information.

Saving Log File

Save the debug message to a file.

(1) Filename

Specify the file name to save the debug message.

(2) [...]Button

Select the file name to save the debug message from the file selection dialog.

(3) Save the displayed text as well

The message currently displayed on the screen is also saved in a file.


Make various settings on the screen that displays debug messages.


Make various settings for the screen that displays the message.

(1) Vertical scrollbar

The display and non-display of a vertical scrollbar are set.

(2) Horizontal scrollbar

The display and non-display of the horizontal scrollbar are set.

(3) Show control code by hexadecimal

When the control code(0x00-0x1F) is displayed, it displays it as a hexadecimal number of two digits in the form of .

(4) Auto scroll

When displaying a message on the screen, scroll the screen display so that the last received message is always displayed on the screen.

(5) Font name,Size

The font name of the font used for the display of the console screen and the height of the character are specified.

(6) TAB size

The number of characters of TAB codes(0x09 '\t') included in the data displayed on the console screen is specified.

(7) By return

The number of turn characters of one line is specified.
It changes line at the position of "By return" when the text of one line exceeds "By return" and it displays it.

(8) Text buffer

The size of the buffer where the text displayed on the console screen is stored is specified.


Set the text color and background color of the screen that displays the message.

(9) Normal text

The character color(TEXT) and the background color(BG.) of the text displayed on the console screen are specified.

(10) Hexadecimal

When "Show control code by hexadecimal" is effective, the character color and the background color of the control code(0x00 - 0x1F) are specified.

(11) Select Text

The character color and the background color of the text under the selection are specified.

Choose Language

Set the display language of the application.

(1) Choose Language Select the display language of the application from the following languages.



This section describes how to display debug messages from an application using "KPrint Message Monitor".

note: The language of your application is assumed to be C / C ++. If you use another language, please modify it by referring to the attached kprintf.c process.

  1. DLL preparation

    Copy the attachment kprint.dll to the same directory as your application.

    note: It can be the directory specified in the environment variable PATH.

  2. Add initial processing and termination processing to the application

    Loads / unloads the DLL for sending debug messages to the "KPrint Message Monitor".

    The sample code is shown below.

        int WINAPI  WinMain( HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmd, int show )
            MSG     msg;
            // Initial processing for using "KPrint Message Monitor".
            while( GetMessage( &msg, (HWND)NULL, 0, 0 ) ){
                TranslateMessage( &msg );
                DispatchMessage(  &msg );
            // Termination process for using "KPrint Message Monitor".
            return msg.wParam;

  3. Debug message output from application

    Use kprintf () from anywhere in your application to print debug messages to the KPrint Message Monitor.

    The format of kprintf () is as follows.

    int kprintf( const char *fmt, ... );
        1st argument ... A pointer to a formatted string. (The format is the same as printf ().)
        The second and subsequent arguments are arbitrary variable arguments.
        Return value ... The number of bytes in the output message.

    The sample code is shown below.

        kprintf( "debug message = %d\n", i );

  4. Compile & link

    Compile and link the attachments kprintf.c and kprintf.h with your application.